Presenter:  Dr. Teri McCarthy, PhD in Education with an emphasis in Second Language Acquisition

Date: Friday, 12 April, 2013

Venue: Embassy of the United States, Lithuania / Akmenų g. 6, Vilnius

The aim of the seminar is to present pedagogical support for teaching speaking skills using English-language films. The seminar will look at the processes a teacher must go through in order to help the learners to imitate, replicate, and initiate speech based on selected films. The participants will

– learn to use tools to implement films in the classroom and adjust pre-set lesson plans;

– be able to design worksheets, assignments, and projects that will instigate speaking;

– acquire knowledge that will aid in assessing speaking skills after using films in class.

PROGRAMME (to print out the Programme, click on the word PROGRAMME)

10.00 – 11.00      Registration.

11.00 – 11:30      Introduction: how to use English-language films in the classroom.

11.30 – 13.15      Illustration: how speaking tasks are implemented using the films.

13.15 – 13.30      Coffee break.

13.30 – 15.15      Discussion: lesson plans and how to adapt them.

15.15 – 15.45      Closing: trouble-shooting and participant feedback. Certificates.