National project “We Can Prepare for the English Exam Together / Pasirenkime anglų kalbos egzaminui kartu” April-December 2021

The project was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Lithuania and coordinated by LAKMA.The aim of the project was to provide 11-12 grade students  with expert assistance in dealing with learning difficulties which students have experienced during the pandemic and preparing for the school-leaving English examination. The project also offered practical…

English Course for Adults 2018/22

The project “Changing My Life Through English” is funded by the US Embassy Lithuania and coordinated by LAKMA. The English language course designed for adult learners offers to – develop English skills (A1-B1 levels) – master life-long learning skills, – improve ICT skills, – broaden intercultural competences, – acquire learning based on individual needs and…


OFFICIAL SITE OF THE PROJECT PROJECT ACTIVITIES JOB-SHADOWING FILM SCREENING SERIES In February-May 2015, LAKMA invited teachers and students of English to a monthly film screening series. This activity was part of the international project Cooperation and Innovation in Teacher Associations (CITA carried out within the Erasmus+ programme funded by the EU in which LAKMA…

Green English in CLIL: a teacher training course. October 2010-March 2012

Nordplus Framework Programme – Nordplus Adult Project ID: AD-2010_1a-23036 Project website Teacher Trainer Course on Content and Langauge Integrated learning – 4-5 November 2011 Coordinating institution: Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English (Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacija LAKMA) Legal person: Eglė Petronienė Coordinator: Loreta Andziulienė (1) Partner institution: Estonian Association of Teachers of English (Eesti Inglise Keele Õpetajate Selts)…

Projects 2011

AKIM project in cooperation with the Lithuanian Association of Artists. August 2011 (28 months) AKIM REPORT 2011-2012 EU-LLP Leonardo VETPRO “GIFT” (Growing Innovation for Teaching) Enhancing action competences for the professional development of teachers’ trainers” September 2011 – December 2013 Project (II) on Curriculum for Secondary Education June-October 2011

Projects 2010

“Modernisation of BA degree and continuous study programmes at Vytautas Magnus University in accordance with the principles of the European Higher Education Area” 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2012 Project (I) on Curriculum for Secondary Education October-December 2010 Project on strengthening the system of teacher professional development. October 2010 – March 2012

Primary Language Portfolio (PLP) Project

INVITATION AND APPLICATION FORM PARTICIPANTS PROGRESS REPORT  LINKS REPORT KVIETIMAS Lakma/LATEFL  PESIG kviečia dalyvautipradinukų kalbų portfolio (PKP) projekte* TIKSLAI IR UŽDAVINIAI Skatinti pradinukų motyvaciją ir savarakiškumą mokantis kalbų.Skatinti portfolio taikymą kalbinių gebėjimų (įsi)vertinimui. Apibendrinti portfolio taikymo patirtį pradinukų kalbiniame ugdyme. Parengti metodinius patarimus kalbų portfolio taikymui pradinukams. DALYVIAI MOKYTOJAI ir jų MOKINIAI:Pradinių klasių mokytojai, kurie moko ir…