How to Succeed in Life: How to Set Good Goals and Get Things Done (Part Two)
Drawing from his years of experience in the workplace and learning from highly successful people, Dr. Daryl McCarthy will share principles on how to set good goals, fifteen secrets to getting more done in less time, and seven ways to find happiness at a bad job.
Time: 14:00-15:00, Thursday, 27 March 2014
Venue: Room 250, Faculty of Philology, LUES, Studentų St. 39, Vilnius
The event is free. No prior registration required.
Daryl McCarthy earned his professional doctorate in non-profit organizational leadership from The School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Graduate School. He also has graduate degrees in theology and philosophy of religion. He taught philosophy and theology for several years. In 1988 he was a co-founder of an international academic NGO and since then has worked with universities on every continent. His areas of interest are effective leadership and management, the role of ethics and morality in higher education and the ways theology contributes to human flourishing.