Anna KOLBUSZEWSKA has been involved in ELT for over 25 years. She has worked as an English teacher, academic manager, teacher trainer on CELTA and DELTA courses, and director of a language school. Currently she is working as a language coach, trainer and consultant. She works mostly with teachers of English but has also trained German, French and Spanish teachers. She has also been conducting training and consultancy sessions for business executives, as well as for managers in public and private schools. Since 2000 Anna is an inspector for EAQUALS, an international organisation promoting high standards in language teaching worldwide. She has also worked as EAQUALS Director of Accreditation and Consultancy Services. She is the author of “EAQUALS Self-help Guide to Teacher Development”. Her interests include quality management, on-line training and CLIL.
PLENARY CLIL: a challenge or an opportunity?
As language teachers we sometimes find ourselves having, or choosing, to teach content (subject matter) in our English classes. Conversely, our colleagues who are subject teachers may have to teach their subject through the medium of English. Although integrating language and content teaching is really nothing new (it has been successfully used in education for centuries and we do know quite a lot about how it works and why it works), CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning – only became one of the big buzz words in education in the early 2000s. In this talk we will try to answer the question of why CLIL has become such a hot topic in the 21st century.
WORKSHOP CLIL – the practical perspective
CLIL is quickly becoming an important part of the curriculum for teaching and learning English. Language teachers need to feel confident not only in their language expertise, but also in subject matter. In this practical workshop we will look at how coursebook material can facilitate the transition from pure English teaching to teaching content through the medium of English. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities that CLIL presents not only for our students but also for us, language teachers.