Nik PEACHEY, British Council

Nik Peachey is Director of PeacheyPublications Ltd. He is an award winning ELT materials writer and he has written and published a range of digital materials that support English language teachers with the integration of digital technologies in the classroom. He also has a keen interest in developing creativity and other 21st century soft skills. He has co-edited two books on creativity with Alan Maley for the British Council and published his own digital book Hacking Creativity through PeacheyPublications. Nik has been involved in education since the 1990s and has taught and trained teachers all over the world.


Developing our students as more than language learners

Increasingly as English language teachers we are being asked to think beyond vocabulary and grammar and take a much more holistic approach to developing our students as individuals and citizens. This requires a different approach and one that is underpinned by an understanding of the values, skills and habits that will contribute towards our students’ self-realisation. In this plenary we will look at some techniques and theories that will help us and our students on this journey of discovery.


Taking a creative approach to language development

In this workshop Nik will be looking at creativity and its role in the language classroom. He will be exploring creativity as a process and how we can help our students develop their own creativity. The workshop will include a number of examples of creative exercises and activities that help develop students’ abilities to think in a more divergent way, visualise their learning and adopt a more creative approach to problem solving.