Project Decription (Summary)
GIFT aims at promoting the quality of the professional development of teachers, trainers, vocational training staff, guidance counsellors and of all those responsible for education and training; at facilitating the constitution of cooperative partnerships on professional innovative areas; at constructing, producing and sharing good practice, systems and products, in cultural and professional training, which are accessible and transferable. This project is proposed as a formative opportunity for professionals of education and training who have realized the pedagogical relevance of the effective use of new technologies of information and communication (ICT). These constitute one of the eight key competences defined by the European Parliament and the Council and can, quite undoubtedly, be considered as a necessary a cross-sectional competence, because they are of paramount importance for the acquisition and development of all others. In particular, GIFT is addressed to all those professionals of education and training who intend to improve their knowledge, competence and ability in the didactic use of social media, such as forums, blogs, wikis, chats. The collaborative aspect of these instruments, catalysts of the culture of the Gift Economy, favours the circulation of knowledge and the development of a philosophy of shared and constructive learning. They, adopting the strategies of cooperative and peer learning, can promote knowledge as research in action and modus vivendi during the whole life. Moreover, they stimulate learning as a social and individual responsible process, they facilitate the development of soft skills, and support the progress of pupils both as responsible citizens and lifelong learning students, pursuing the realization of a common sustainable future. Furthermore, GIFT may be the answers to another important formative necessity shared with all the other European countries, both at a communitarian and a national level, that is to say, the knowledge and competent use of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), that represents one of the most relevant elements of the constitution of Europe as a knowledge-based society. In addition, it is one of the main goals of many professionals of education and training, as CLIL facilitates the learning of target languages, included the minority ones, also in their specificity.
The activities proposed by GIFT are the following ones: mobility, in placement and exchange, in institutions of education and training in order to improve the development of the professional quality of the beneficiaries, project meetings in presence and at distance for all the participants to share the feasibility, planning, monitoring and evaluation of this learning pathway; experiences of micro-teaching and training; job shadowing and shared analysis of LLP planning in all its phases. Moreover, all the participants will collaborate with other LLP projects on similar topics, in order to develop mutual learning. The monitoring and final evaluation of this professional experience and the products will be particularly cured, always in relation to professionals’needs and selected aims of the project. The dissemination of results and benefits of the experience, as well as the sharing and transfer of good professional practice will be realized through presence and distance meetings, articles on magazines and daily papers and multimedia. Some visits to professional institutions in the host countries and Italy will allow to meet the authorities, the institutions and the companies of the territory and collaborate in synergy on mutual issues in the field of education and training. In the phase of pre-mobility the preparation of the participants will be focused on the use of ICT in professional contexts and on CLIL, thanks to learning platforms such as Moodle, Synergeia and similar ones, and web 2.0 tools.