Inesa RUSECKA, Nemenčinė Konstantinas Parčevskis Gymnasium, Lithuania
Erasmus+activities to foster values
Erasmus+ projects provide the ground for cultivating universal human and cultural values in students, which helps them make choices, exercise ethical judgement, and accept challenges. In this presentation I will share my experience of 2 Erasmus+ projects – “Birds without Borders” and “Incubator for Future European Entrepreneurs” – through which we try to promote a range of values, such as responsibility towards the environment and community, strong family and social bonds, active citizenship, cherishing own traditions and tolerance for other cultures, seeing beauty in simple things, developing own personality etc. These values are fostered with a plethora of activities, e.g. debate, academic discussion, fund raising and clean-up campaigns, artistic expression via photography, drawing and performance, international exchange and CLIL lessons.