We are happy and proud to announce that a 10-week PRELIM 2 international project course “English Language in the Classroom” has been completed with great success! On March 30, 2022, representatives of the LAKMA board Diana Galatiltienė, Kristina Urbonienė, Vilda Kiaunytė, lecturers Nathan Watling, Dorota Nalepa, Marta Jasinska from West London College (the United Kingdom) and LAKMA members who took part in the course met online for the final discussion regarding the benefits of the project. It is a great joy that this professional development course attracted 34 enthusiastic participants who were willing to learn new methods and techniques, improve their English language skills and increase self-confidence in the classroom. The participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the lecturers for very useful and meaningful lectures. Thank you to IATEFL, the British Council and West London College for such a great opportunity! We hope that this great cooperation of professionals would continue in other projects in the future.