BIODATA. Russell Stannard is the founder of He was awarded the British Council ELTons award for ‘Technology’ and the Times Higher award for ‘Outstanding Technology Innovation’. Russell is a NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) associate trainer and tutor on the MA in TESOL as well as running the ‘Flipping your Classes’ course. He writes regular columns in the English Teaching Professional and Anglo Files. His website is used by thousands of teachers all over the world and offers free step by step videos to help teachers incorporate technology into their teaching and learning.
PLENARY. Blending learning efficiently: The role of Flipped Learning
This talk focuses on the key technologies and principles that underpin the Flipped Classroom. Russell Stannard first began flipping his lessons back in 2006 and will highlight just how simple this approach can be and why it can be useful in certain contexts. He will also show how knowledge of just a few technologies can facilititate the production of flipped learning technology and indeed any type of blended learning. A talk full of practical tips and real examples.
WORKSHOP. Organising your content in a Flipped/Blended learning course
At the centre of any Flipped/Blended course is a platform where all the learning content can be organised into groups, weeks, folders etc. Edmodo is an idea free tool which allows the teacher to share content but also build activities around the content through quizzes, assignments, discussions and polls. This workshop will take you through all the key features of Edmodo. A hands-on session where we will create groups in Edmodo and build to build a Blended/Flipped learning course.
This workshop requires participants to have a laptop. Mobiles and Tablets do not offer the full functionality.