2020 January | Seminars in Kaunas, Panevėžys, Šiauliai “Focus on the Essay” with Jurga Kasteckienė

2020 January seminars on writing with Jurga Kasteckienė 17 January (13:00-18:00) – Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis gymnasium24 January (12:00-17:00) – Panevėžys Minties gymnasium31 January (12:00-17:00) – Šiauliai Didždvario gymnasium Revisiting the Teaching of Writing: Focus on the Essay Lecturer Jurga Kasteckienė, VU Jurga Kasteckienė has been a lecturer of Academic Writing at Vilnius University for nearly 20 years….

2019 October, November | Seminars in Plungė and Vilnius “Revisiting the teaching of writing: Focus on the essay”

2019 October – Plungė2019 November – Vilnius  Revisiting the Teaching of Writing: Focus on the Essay Lecturer Jurga Kasteckienė, VU Jurga Kasteckienė has been a lecturer of Academic Writing at Vilnius University for nearly 20 years. In 2017 and 2019 she was a senior assessor of the State Examination in English and an  assessor-trainer. Participating in…

2019 May | Workshops in Panevėžys, Šiauliai and Vilnius “Games for reinforcement of English knowledge and skills”

LAKMA and the US Embassy invite English teachers to a professional development workshop GAMES FOR REINFORCEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Workshop instructor Cristina BERRY Target group: English teachers of young learners and young teenagers. Workshop themes: vocabulary games, grammar games, oral communication games. Workshop participants will discover techniques that make vocabulary come to life as…

2019 April-May | A course on formative assessment for teachers of young learners and teenagers

Cristina Berry is an educator from the USA. She was a school teacher for thirteen years and has first-hand experience using and understanding the power of formative assessment in the classroom. Cristina currently works in Vilnius as a participant of the U.S. State Department’s English Language Fellows cultural exchange program and collaborates with specialists at…

2019 February | Winter School for English teachers with Cristina Berry and Rhonda Petree, USA

2019 WINTER SCHOOL for English teachers with Rhonda PETREE and Cristina BERRY, USADate: 22-23 February 2019Venue: Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy, T. Ševčenkos st. 31, Vilnius. Target audience:Day One | Friday 22 February – for teachers of young learners (grades 2-6)Day Two | Saturday 23 February – for teachers of young teenagers (grades 7-10)You can…

Seminar “Using translation in the Classroom” with Rita Bakanienė and Birutė Bersėnienė

Professional development seminar USING TRANSLATION IN THE CLASSROOMDate: Friday 18 January 2019.Venue: VDU Švietimo akademija, T. Ševčenkos g. 31, Vilnius. ROOM 322Duration: 6 academic hours (12:00-16:30)Facilitators: Rita BAKANIENĖ and Birutė BERSĖNIENĖ The seminar aims to introduce the methodology of TILT (translation in language teaching, Cook, 2010), which is gaining significance in the present-day multilingual world, one of the reasons being…

Discussion of an important document with Ministry specialists

2019 m. sausio 11 d. įvyko LAKMA narių susitikimas prie kavos puodelio, kuriame aptarėme asociacijos vaidmenį bendrųjų programų atnaujinimo procese bei įvairius anglų kalbos pedagogams rūpimus ugdymo turinio aspektus. Susitikime dalyvavo ŠMM specialistė Irena Raudienė, kuri atsakė į mūsų klausimus.Laikas: 13:00-16:00 val.Vieta: VDU Švietimo akademija, Vilnius, T. Ševčenkos g. 31, 302 auditorija. Susitikimo dalyviai apsvarstė…

2018 October – December | “Assessment FOR Learning” workshop for lower secondary school teachers

Professional development course FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT for teachers of young learners and young teenagers.Course instructor – Cristina BERRY, USAVenue: VDU Švietimo akademija, T. Ševčenkos g. 31, Vilnius. ROOM 305 ABSTRACT. Today’s educators have the responsibility of teaching more than subject content. To prepare students for life, it is imperative that teachers focus on skills such as…

2018 “Assessment for Learning”- A course with Cristina Berry

PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS:PHOTO GALLERY – FEBRUARY WORKSHOP – OPENING SESSIONPHOTO GALLERY – FEBRUARY WORKSHOP – CLOSING SESSIONPHOTO GALLERY – APRIL WORKSHOP ———————————————————————————————- Professional development course “ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING”Course instructor: CRISTINA BERRYTarget group: teachers of grades 5-8Date: 29 OctoberVenue: T. Ševčenkos st. 31, Vilnius,  ROOM 322Registration HERE  by 26 October.Course fee: 25 eur for LAKMA members 2018 | 50 eur for non-members. The fee covers…

2018 February | April | Wokshop “Lithuanian History in English Lessons”

PHOTOS – FEBRUARY PHOTOS – APRIL Professional development workshop for teachers of forms 7-10 Lithuanian History in English Lessons: past and present February 19th April 3rd Workshop trainers and task designers: The workshop aims at developing English teachers’ skills to integrate various themes of Lithuanian history in their lessons, including historical events, important dates, heritage,…