2018 January-February | Seminars in Kaunas, Šiauliai and Vilnius “A Contemporary Approach to Vocabulary Enhancement”

Seminars with Dr. Rita Juknevičienė A Contemporary Approach to Vocabulary Enhancement: Multi-Word Units in English Abstract: Corpus-driven approaches to English vocabulary have shown that multi-word units, e.g. collocations, lexical bundles, rather than single words, should be prioritised in second language teaching and learning. The aim of the workshop is to give a brief overview of…

2017 April | Workshop “Student-Centred Teaching: Classroom Practice”

Presenters: Senior teachers at Martynas Mažvydas pregymnasium:  Rita Bakanienė, Eglė Bridikienė, Skaistė Poniškaitienė, Lina Spalvienė, Renata Žemaitienė Date: 26 April 2017 Time: 13.15 – 18.15Venue: Martynas Mažvydas pregymnasium / Vydūno 17A, Vilnius The target audience of the workshop is lower secondary level teachers of English. The participants will enhance their knowledge and skills of using effective teaching techniques and activities in the…

2017 April | Workshops in Kaunas and Šiauliai “Teaching and Assessing Register Awareness in Writing”

SEMINARS in KAUNAS and ŠIAULIAI Teaching and Assessing Register Awareness in Writing  Presenter: Dr Rita Juknevičienė20 April – Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium27 April – Šiauliai Didžvario GymnasiumTime: 13:00-18:00 Fee: 15 eur for LAKMA members / 30 eur for non-membersRegistration CLOSEDMore info: admin@lakmaonline.lt The aim of the seminar is to discusss approaches to the teaching and assessing of register…

2017 February | LAKMA and BC winter school “Focus on Young Learners”

The British Council and LAKMA are pleased to invite English language teachers to a winter school  FOCUS ON YOUNG LEARNERS: teaching and assessing This is a two-day training course for teachers of English teaching young learners (forms 2-6) in Lithuanian schools of comprehensive education. It aims at helping the teachers to enhance their professional competences in…

2017 January | LAKMA and BC winter school “Focus on Teenagers”

The British Council and LAKMA are pleased to invite English language teachers to a WINTER SCHOOL 2017 “FOCUS ON THE TEENAGERS: resources and methods”.“Focus on the Teenagers: resources and methods” is a two-day training course for teachers of English working at the lower secondary level in Lithuanian schools. It aims at helping the teachers to enhance…

2016 November | Workshop on Intercultural and Civic Education (forms 5-8)

„Pilietiškumo ir tarpkultūriškumo ugdymas anglų kalbos pamokose“  Uždaviniai: Seminaro dalyviai išbandys praktines veiklas, kuriomis siekiama integruotai ugdyti 5–6 klasių mokinių anglų   kalbos, tarpkultūrines ir pilietines kompetencijas. Dalyviai aptars, kaip šias veiklas galima plėtoti 7–8  klasėse. Vadovės: Ligita Erminaitė, Margarita Gudeikienė, Rasa Midverienė, Rasa Raudienė, Neringa Šakinienė – patyrusios pedagogės, JAV ambasados ir Britų tarybos edukacinių programų…

2016 July – Baltic States “Teaching Tolerance Through English” Camp

INVITATION- LITHUANIA 2016 Baltic States “TEACHING TOLERANCE THROUGH ENGLISH” Camp / Lithuania 2016 United States Embassy Vilnius and the Lithuanian Association of English Language Teachers (LAKMA), in cooperation with the U.S. Embassies in Tallinn and Riga, are organizing a week-long multicultural camp in Lithuania for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian youth to foster the development of tolerance, diversity, human…

Let’s Go Camping 2016

CAMP FACEBOOK INVITATION Kviečiame 2-4 ir 5-6 klasių mokinius į anglų kalbos stovyklą prie Bebrusų ežero I pamaina (2-4 kl.) birželio 12-18 d. II pamaina (5-6 kl.) birželio 19-25 d. Pavadinimas Integruoto ugdymo anglų kalbos stovykla LET’S GO CAMPING – Stovyklaukime ir kalbėkime angliškai. Organizatorius Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacijos (LAKMA) valdyba Koordinatorė Jurgita Bertulienė, LAKMA valdybos narė, anglų…

2016 June – Tolerance Camp Preparatory Workshop

On June 20-22, 2016, six English language teachers from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – the selected tutors of the Baltic States “Teaching Tolerance Through English” Camp Lithuania 2016 – attended a preparatory workshop in Vilnius. Anna Polistsuk (Kohtla-Järve Kesklinna Põhikool) and Anne-Liisi Laaneste (Maidla Kool, Ida-Virumaa) from Estonia,  Anita Muižniece (Daugmale Elementary School) and Silva Aušte (Karku Elementary School, Karki Village, Valkas…