LAKMA asamblėja 2024

2024 m. gegužės 7 d. nuotoliniu būdu Zoom platformoje įvyko pakartotinė LAKMA asamblėja, kurioje be kasmetinių ir įprastų klausimų buvo svarstomi ir tvirtinami atnaujinti LAKMA įstatai, renkama nauja LAKMA valdyba, prezidentas, viceprezidentas ir sekretorius.Asamblėjoje dalyvaujančių narių balsų dauguma patvirtinta LAKMA valdyba:Ligita ErminaitėRobin GingerichAlla JurevičienėElmyra JurkšaitienėJurga KasteckienėVilda KiaunytėAustėja MaskoliūnaitėRasa MidverienėEglė PetronienėKristina UrbonienėGintarė ŽindulienėNaujoji valdyba pirmojo posėdžio…

IATEFL Brighton 2024, April 15-19

The 2024 IATEFL conference was organized in Brighton this year, April 15-19. Situated in the Brighton Centre, a beautiful location near the seaside, it was an excellent event, full of interesting topics, presentations, and workshops. Each year the conference is usually attended by more than 2000 participants from approximately 100 countries, so it is a…

LAKMA asamblėja 2024

Mieli asociacijos nariai, Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacijos (LAKMA) valdybos iniciatyva 2024 m. balandžio 23 d. (antradienį) 19.00 val. nuotoliniu būdu Zoom platformoje šaukiama LAKMA asamblėja, kurioje be kasmetinių ir įprastų klausimų bus svarstomi ir tvirtinami atnaujinti LAKMA įstatai bei renkama nauja LAKMA valdyba.  Nesusirinkus įstatuose numatytam kvorumui (kai asamblėjoje dalyvauja mažiau nei pusė asociacijos narių), pakartotinė asamblėja vyks 2024 m. gegužės…

LAKMA membership 2024

Dear LAKMA members,  We kindly invite you to renew your LAKMA membership for the year 2024.  Your membership will not be confirmed until you have completed the above mentioned 3 steps. Thank you for your patience! Should you wish to find out more about LAKMA, visit our website or our facebook page Looking forward to hearing from you soon and…


21st LAKMA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEDO WE GO FAST OR FAR?20-21 October 2023V. Putvinskio St. 23 / K. Donelaičio St. 52Kaunas, LITHUANIA The updated foreign language curriculum in Lithuania (2022) presents foreign language teachers with both opportunities for positive change and new challenges. This conference aims at bringing together local and international ELT professionals from all education…

IATEFL Harrogate 2023, April 17-21

Diana Galatiltienė, LAKMA Board member, LAKMA secretaryKristina Urbonienė, LAKMA president The 56th International IATEFL Conference took place in the beautiful spa town of Harrogate this year. Such conferences have always been a time to come together and celebrate our profession and its advances through the work of our colleagues, sponsors, and contributors. Over a few…


VALUES EDUCATION CAMP “WE CARE!” in Lithuania 2023 The U.S. Embassy Vilnius and the Lithuanian Association of English Language Teachers (LAKMA) are organizing a 5-day international VALUES EDUCATION CAMP “WE CARE!” in Lithuania for teenagers of various ethnic backgrounds from the U.S., Poland, Greece and Lithuania. The camp aims to: Time: July 27–31, 2023Place: Dvarčėnų…

A practical seminar “Meaningful Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language: Integrating Fiction”. March 17, 2023. Lecturer: Saulius Skučas

On Friday, March 17, a group of teachers from Kaunas, Garliava, Akademija, Babtai, Vilnius, Mažeikiai and Trakai met at Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium for a practical seminar organized by LAKMA and led by a LAKMA board member, teacher expert of English, Saulius Skučas. The seminar “Meaningful Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language: Integrating Fiction”…