2013-02-15 Story Telling and Drama in the English Classroom (Forms 2-6)

Presenter: Alma Balnienė, primary teacher-expert and English teacher at “Šviesos” primary school. Date: Friday, 15 February, 2013 Venue: “Genio” primary school / Miglos g. 1, Vilnius The participants of the workshop will have an opportunity to try out different ideas of how to use elements of drama in the lesson or how to model the lesson for a…

2013-01-11 Features and Benefits of PTE (Pearson Test of English) Examinations

Presenter: Marija Kleckovska, PTE exams assessor trainer,  AMES Director of Studies Date: Friday, 11 January, 2013 Venue: Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentų 39, Vilnius PROGRAMME 11.30-12.00      Registration. 12.00-14.00      Introduction to PTE system. The Overview of PTE General. 14.00-14.20      Coffee break. 14.20-15.30      PTE General sample tasks: Levels 3, 4, 5. 15.35-16.45      PTE Young Learners. The benefits of PTE exams. 16.45-17.00      Closing. Certificates.

International Conference “Values education in ELT” 2019

International Conference “Values Education in ELT” The conference aims at exploring the possibilities of integrating values education into English language teaching and learning. Plenary talks, presentations and workshops will focus on approaches and activities that promote the development of the learner’s social and emotional intelligences as well as the values of democracy, diversity, inclusion etc….

National Assembly and Conference 2018

DATE: 19 OCTOBER 2018VENUE: ASSEMBLY HALL, T. ŠEVČENKOS ST. 31, VILNIUS   Teachers of English are kindly invited to the LAKMA National Assembly and Conference 2018. The event aims at reviewing LAKMA activities in 2017/18, planning for the future and discussing a wide range of topical issues relevant for Lithuanian school communities and English teachers in particular….


PHOTO ALBUM CONFERENCE REPORT (in Lithuanian) GABRIEL CLARK ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The conference aims at bringing together ELT professionals, who use different methods, materials and tools, to share their best classroom practices and discuss the benefits of their adopted approach. The conference covers two major themes: using technologies and teaching unplugged.Date: 27-28 October 2017Venue: Lithuanian University of…

National Assembly and Conference 2016

The event aims at reviewing LAKMA activities in 2015/16, planning for the future and discussing the current issues in the world of ELT in Lithuania and beyond. 21 October 2016, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences           10:30 Registration and morning coffee 11:00 Eglė Petronienė, LAKMA LAKMA Prezidentės metinė ataskaita 11:40 Artūras Vasiliauskas, BC Britų tarybos pagalba…

International conference “Focus on CLIL – Lithuania 2015”

17th LAKMA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOCUS ON CLIL – LITHUANIA 2015 16-17 October 2015 Vilnius On October 16-17 LAKMA held its 17th international conference “Focus on CLIL- Lithuania 2015”. The conference brought together local and international experts who shared their insights into Content and Language Integrated Learning and offered examples of good practice. Over 200 participants from…


PHOTOS  Date:                 Friday 24 October 2014 Venue:             Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas, Vilnius, Studentų g. 39, ROOM 607 PROGRAMME 09:00–09:30      Registration  09:30–10:15      LAKMA Assembly (in Lithuanian) 10:15–10:30      Info Update from the National Examination Centre (in Lithuanian) 10:30–11:00      US Embassy Presentation / Gergo SANTHA (RELO) 11:00–11:30      Coffee (offered by LAKMA) 11:30–12:15      Plenary 1 / Johanna STIRLING (Cambridge University Press) 12:15–13:00      Plenary 2 / Adrian CHROSTOWSKI (Pearson) 13:00–14:15      Lunch (SEE recommended…