Robin Gingerich

Dr. Robin GINGERICH, LCC International University, Lithuania WORKSHOP Teaching tolerance: Using world news media to teach values Utilizing English news media channels in our English classrooms can open a world of ideas for our pupils. Teachers who bring world news events into the lesson can help pupils to become astute media consumers. More importantly, there…

Volha Dzmitryieva

Volha DZMITRYIEVA,The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus PRESENTATION Values education through teaching a fiction story to university students A fiction story is not just an authentic text aimed at developing students’ language skills. It is also a serious basis for their cultural enrichment, personal involvement…

Rachanee Dersingh

Dr. Rachanee DERSINGH, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand PRESENTATION Using EFL activities to promote acceptance and inclusion Multi-culture is a reality of today’s global society. However, most students in Thailand are not aware of such diversity. To instill the values of acceptance and inclusion, I included in my English class a small-scale project…

Thanis Bunsom

Dr. Thanis BUNSOM, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand PRESENTATION Using English literary texts to cultivate intercultural literacy English is regarded in Thailand as merely a tool for economic and professional advancement; hence, the pedagogical emphasis is heavily placed on language accuracy and American-like pronunciation. In this study, the presenter used a variety of…

Vaiva Bernatonytė-Ažukienė

Vaiva BERNATONYTĖ-AŽUKIENĖ, Vilnius Christian Gymnasium, Lithuania PRESENTATION Positive classroom management as a tool to promote values education Classroom management is an inseparable part of everyday lessons. ELT is no exception as the English language classroom involves a lot of communication and interpersonal contact. I assert that positive classroom management, teacher’s positive approach to interpersonal processes…

Alma Balnienė, Renata Zakarienė

Alma BALNIENĖ, Renata ZAKARIENĖ, Vilnius Šviesos Primary School, Lithuania POSTER PRESENTATION How can I help my classmates? Explore, discover, share! In a primary classroom, it is important to create an environment where students become responsible for their learning and to organize activities where they explore certain situations, analyse them and summarize results. This allows students…

Asta Antulienė

Asta ANTULIENĖ, Vilnius Balsiai Pre-gymnasium, Lithuania WORKSHOP Developing critical thinking as a core value In today’s language classroom it is not enough to teach grammar or vocabulary; in the era of ‘fake news’, it is essential to encourage students’ critical thinking. Critical thinking is not a fad, it has been known for a long time…

Loreta Andziulienė

Loreta ANDZIULIENĖ, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania WORKSHOP Values in personal branding in ELT Personal branding is about what you have to offer and presenting it to the outer world consistently. Identifying the core values is the key element alongside with exploring strengths and skills to develop while planning further studies and career. This hands-on workshop…

Magdalena Adas.

Magdalena ADAS, Early Stage, Poland WORKSHOP International music projects: Using songs to teach about social issues Is it possible to combine teaching songs with raising awareness about different social issues such as animal rights, wasting food or lack of water? At Early Stage we know it is. This workshop for teachers working with 8-year-old and older students…

Živilė Lazauskienė

Živilė LAZAUSKIENĖ, ASSIST Country Coordinator, Lithuania Živilė Monika Lazauskienė is a Country Coordinator for ASSIST (American Secondary Schools for International Students and Teachers) in Lithuania and an alumna of the program as well. After her year abroad as an exchange student in the U.S., Živilė went on to the University of Sheffield in the UK,…