

„KALBŲ SINERGIJA: LIETUVOS UŽSIENIO KALBŲ BENDRYSTĖ IR VIZIJA“ 2024 m. spalio 18 d.Vilniaus universiteto Filologijos fakultetas (Universiteto g. 5), V. Krėvės aud. Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacija (LAKMA), Lietuvos prancūzų kalbos mokytojų ir dėstytojų asociacija (ALPF) ir Lietuvos vokiečių kalbos mokytojų asociacija (LDV) bendradarbiaudamos su Lietuvos kalbų pedagogų asociacija (LKPA) 2024 m. spalio 18 d….


LAKMA asamblėja 2024

2024 m. gegužės 7 d. nuotoliniu būdu Zoom platformoje įvyko pakartotinė LAKMA asamblėja, kurioje be kasmetinių ir įprastų klausimų buvo svarstomi ir tvirtinami atnaujinti LAKMA įstatai, renkama nauja LAKMA valdyba, prezidentas, viceprezidentas ir sekretorius.Asamblėjoje dalyvaujančių narių balsų dauguma patvirtinta LAKMA valdyba:Ligita ErminaitėRobin GingerichAlla JurevičienėElmyra JurkšaitienėJurga KasteckienėVilda KiaunytėAustėja MaskoliūnaitėRasa MidverienėEglė PetronienėKristina UrbonienėGintarė ŽindulienėNaujoji valdyba pirmojo posėdžio…

IATEFL conference reports | News

IATEFL Brighton 2024, April 15-19

The 2024 IATEFL conference was organized in Brighton this year, April 15-19. Situated in the Brighton Centre, a beautiful location near the seaside, it was an excellent event, full of interesting topics, presentations, and workshops. Each year the conference is usually attended by more than 2000 participants from approximately 100 countries, so it is a…


LAKMA asamblėja 2024

Mieli asociacijos nariai, Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacijos (LAKMA) valdybos iniciatyva 2024 m. balandžio 23 d. (antradienį) 19.00 val. nuotoliniu būdu Zoom platformoje šaukiama LAKMA asamblėja, kurioje be kasmetinių ir įprastų klausimų bus svarstomi ir tvirtinami atnaujinti LAKMA įstatai bei renkama nauja LAKMA valdyba.  Nesusirinkus įstatuose numatytam kvorumui (kai asamblėjoje dalyvauja mažiau nei pusė asociacijos narių), pakartotinė asamblėja vyks 2024 m. gegužės…


LAKMA membership 2024

Dear LAKMA members,  We kindly invite you to renew your LAKMA membership for the year 2024.  Your membership will not be confirmed until you have completed the above mentioned 3 steps. Thank you for your patience! Should you wish to find out more about LAKMA, visit our website or our facebook page Looking forward to hearing from you soon and…


TPD course “Integrating Digital Citizenship Across the Curriculum”

As students access and engage with digital media both in and out of the school environment, it is important for teachers of all subjects to guide students to be digital citizens with the ability to navigate digital environments in a safe and responsible way and to engage in these spaces in a way that is…

Conferences | News


21st LAKMA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEDO WE GO FAST OR FAR?20-21 October 2023V. Putvinskio St. 23 / K. Donelaičio St. 52Kaunas, LITHUANIA The updated foreign language curriculum in Lithuania (2022) presents foreign language teachers with both opportunities for positive change and new challenges. This conference aims at bringing together local and international ELT professionals from all education…

IATEFL conference reports | News | Reports by teachers

IATEFL Harrogate 2023, April 17-21

Diana Galatiltienė, LAKMA Board member, LAKMA secretaryKristina Urbonienė, LAKMA president The 56th International IATEFL Conference took place in the beautiful spa town of Harrogate this year. Such conferences have always been a time to come together and celebrate our profession and its advances through the work of our colleagues, sponsors, and contributors. Over a few…

News | Summer Camps


VALUES EDUCATION CAMP “WE CARE!” in Lithuania 2023 The U.S. Embassy Vilnius and the Lithuanian Association of English Language Teachers (LAKMA) are organizing a 5-day international VALUES EDUCATION CAMP “WE CARE!” in Lithuania for teenagers of various ethnic backgrounds from the U.S., Poland, Greece and Lithuania. The camp aims to: Time: July 27–31, 2023Place: Dvarčėnų…

News | Past events

A practical seminar “Meaningful Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language: Integrating Fiction”. March 17, 2023. Lecturer: Saulius Skučas

On Friday, March 17, a group of teachers from Kaunas, Garliava, Akademija, Babtai, Vilnius, Mažeikiai and Trakai met at Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium for a practical seminar organized by LAKMA and led by a LAKMA board member, teacher expert of English, Saulius Skučas. The seminar “Meaningful Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language: Integrating Fiction”…

Footer | News | Other Reports | Reports by teachers

Internship in Poland, Lublin. March 13 – 17, 2023

On March 13-17, ten foreign language teachers from Lithuania took part in an internship organized by the National Education Agency in Lublin, Poland. The purpose of the internship was to get familiar with the Polish education system and compare educational systems between the two countries. We are proud to mention that eight teachers in the…


A practical seminar for English language teachers “Meaningful Teaching and Learning of a Foreign Language: Integrating Fiction” March 17, 2023. Lecturer: Saulius Skučas

Saulius Skučas has a master’s degree in English culture and literature from the English Department of Vytautas Magnus University (2010). He is a teacher expert of English in the national programme (grades 9-12) as well as an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme English A: literature teacher (grades 11-12) at Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium. He is also…

Activities | Footer | News | Webinars

Online Training for Teachers “Plurilingual learning environment at school: sharing the US practice” November 11 – December 9, 2022. Lecturer: Heather Gaddis

As society becomes more linguistically, racially, socially and culturally diverse, it is necessary for schools, particularly language teachers, to take steps to make their classrooms more inclusive so that their students feel included and involved in their own education. Plurilingual education makes use of strategies that facilitate the inclusion of all aspects of students´ identities….

Conferences | News


JUBILIEJINĖ LAKMA ASAMBLĖJA IR KONFERENCIJA Minėdami asociacijos 30-etį, maloniai kviečiame LAKMA narius, partnerius ir draugus į šventinę asamblėją-konferenciją prisiminti anglistų bendruomenės entuziastingo kūrimosi, nuolatinio augimo ir džiuginančių pasiekimų kelią, aptarti šiandienos kalbų mokymo(si) aktualijas ir pasidžiaugti kolegišku bendravimu. DATA / DATE: 2022 m. spalio 22 d. VIETA / VENUE: Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazija, Augustijonų g. 8,…


Online workshop “Essay Types in the New National Curriculum for Foreign Languages: Revisiting Organizational Patterns and Approaches to Teaching” November 14/15, 2022. Lecturer – Jurga Kasteckienė

The process of revision of the National Curriculum in Lithuania has brought a number of important changes for the teachers of English as a foreign language. The National Curriculum for Foreign (First and Second) Languages is introducing new content which echoes educational tendencies of foreign language teaching in other European countries and beyond. The main…

Activities | News | Past events

Online workshops “Essay Types in the National Curriculum for Foreign Languages: Revisiting Organisational Patterns and Approaches to Teaching” April – May, 2022

The spring of 2022 was rich in numbers of participants who took part in 2 online workshops “Essay Types in the New National Curriculum for Foreign Languages: Revisiting Organisational Patterns and Approaches to teaching” which were given by the lecturer Jurga Kasteckienė. During the seminars, 122 teachers broadened their knowledge of different organizational patterns of…

News | Projects

PRELIM 2 international project course “English Language in the Classroom” January – March 2022

We are happy and proud to announce that a 10-week PRELIM 2 international project course “English Language in the Classroom” has been completed with great success! On March 30, 2022, representatives of the LAKMA board Diana Galatiltienė, Kristina Urbonienė, Vilda Kiaunytė, lecturers Nathan Watling, Dorota Nalepa, Marta Jasinska from West London College (the United Kingdom)…

Activities | News | Past events

Online workshop “Speaking Exam: Quick Tips and Further Practice” April 09, 2022

On 9 April, 2022, Lina Fedorčenkienė, who is a lecturer at Vilnius University and American English School, with 20-year experience of teaching, gave a useful online workshop “Speaking Exam: Quick Tips and Further Practice” in which 34 teachers of English were provided with various tips and learned some methods of teaching speaking both in online…

News | Projects

National project “We Can Prepare for the English Exam Together / Pasirenkime anglų kalbos egzaminui kartu” April-December 2021

The project was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Lithuania and coordinated by LAKMA.The aim of the project was to provide 11-12 grade students  with expert assistance in dealing with learning difficulties which students have experienced during the pandemic and preparing for the school-leaving English examination. The project also offered practical…

News | Past events

20 th LAKMA International Conference “Mediation in Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment” 22-10-2021

The term “mediation” is not new to foreign language teachers in Lithuania. Mediation skills have beendiscussed for more than a decade by language teaching professionals as they are an important part ofcommunicative competence in our multilingual and multicultural world. This term has become particularlyrelevant this year, as the Lithuanian National Curriculum for Foreign Languages (which…

Conferences | News


MEDIATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT CONFERENCE PROGRAMME08:00–08:45   REGISTRATION08:45–09:00   OPENING09:00–10:00   Session 1. Maria Stathopoulou, ECML, Council of Europe10:00–11:00   Session 2. Dave Spencer, Macmillan Education11:00–11:30   BREAK11:30–12:30   Session 3. Ania Kolbuszewska, Pearson Education12:30–13:30   Session 4. Dave Spencer, Macmillan  Education13:30–14:00   BREAK14:00–15:00   Session 5. Ania Kolbuszewska, Pearson Education15:00–16:00   Session 6. Beata Valungevičienė,  LAKMA (in Lithuanian)16:00–16:15   CLOSING CONFERENCE FEES15…


Nuotolinis mokymas

Esame virtualios anglų kalbos mokyklos specialistai, turime didelę patirtį nuotoliniame mokyme. Norime pasidalinti patirtimi su tais, kurie šiuo metu ketina rengti užduotis savo mokiniams. Jei norėtumėte pasikonsultuoti, mielai atsakysime į jūsų klausimus.Virtualios anglų kalbos mokyklos komanda